Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Databases, Websites, Message boards and POOR data management

I am angry, not as much as maybe another on-line acquaintance and her problems with a specific web site, its message boards and some of the immature teen queen-bee wannabe’s.

I had set-up to do auto logging on a message board, after 24 hours of membership, it doesn’t, not only that, but I can’t log in at all! Nor after a couple hours does it send me my password to my email address, nor will the site allow me to create a NEW identity. GRRRRRRRRRR!

I feel like I have been “blackballed” from the site.

I went and had my car serviced (okay, the oil changed) at a national quick lube type of place… Was I Mrs. Capernico??? Of Huntington Beach CA??? Well according to THEIR “almighty” computer, my car’s tags (license plates) were crossed match to this person and her vehicle. What the h - - -????? I had to drag out the actual registration from the vehicle to PROVE, this is MY VEHICLE, and it’s a 1998 Malibu, not a 19XX something Toyota, and the tags belong to ME.


I report to the local law enforcement types a vehicle that has done several law breaking maneuvers and I pass to them the license plate numbers. “Are you sure? We’ve run the plates and they were returned to MVA.”

No matter what it is, or where you go, or what you do, there is NO ESCAPE anymore. Formerly free websites are no longer free; they want “something from you.” So-called “shoppers’ clubs” for grocery stores, you have to provide “something of value” in exchange for lower prices.

Just when did a few key strokes allow a criminal to become more you, than YOU?

Daily I weed off my computer, malicious software. Often my spouse runs software from work to check for keystroke recorders on all our home and personal computers.


I once was a professional in the database management in a previous lifetime on mainframe computers. : ) While sometimes frustrating when un-related records would cross reference themselves, usually after a database update malfunction. It used to be a relatively easy procedure to correct. Not anymore. I have taken additional classes in database development. It is unbelievable the stuff people do, just because they can.

Remember, companies, corporations, and governments are NOT the end users or the drivers for database development. People are. There is a person that was “the responsible person” for every decision, every portion of data that “must” be there in the database.

People RUN information systems, not information systems running people. Any and all computers are not “omnipotent.” It is ONLY as reliable as the most recent entry of data. It is only as current as the date of that data’s entry.

Okay, maybe this tidbit will not be of assistance next time you are trying to straighten out something…


At August 07, 2005 8:21 PM, Blogger May said...

Holly rant Sandy! I hear you and I hope you get to log back in soon. It wasn't DNN was it? Sorry to hear about your car. (WHAT THE HECK?)

Well I hope that you had a great weekend at the crop (it was this weekend... wasn't it?) and sorry things are less then stellar at the moment.


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