Wednesday, March 30, 2005

"It's Always Something!"

My favorite Saturday Night Live actress was Gilda Radner, and her phrase "it's always something," really seems profound -- most days.

I had an idea this morning of what to write, until a household mishap lands me in the emergency room and hours later, I am typing impaired, my wedding band in ruins, a splint on my left ring finger, and the overwhelming desire for pain killers. A fractured joint is NO FUN.

“It’s always something,” be it an artistic endeavor, or viewpoint on a current issue. There is usually something that has caused you to take a particular view, or opinion. It is the sum of our experiences. Our background, culture, family make-up, everything that we have experienced is imprinted.

Sometimes you start out with “A” in mind, and “boom!” not you’re doing “D.”

It’s like the decision to take a particular path. For example, you are hiking along a river; you come to a fork where the path splits three ways. All the paths will take you to your final destination. One route will take you to the top of the hill; another to a scenic overlook, and yet another along a riverbank.

They are each different, and each will give a different perspective and experience.

I was going to do more today on the hustle and bustle of preparing a house to be sold, sort through things, paint and try to preserve the memories. Instead, I am inactive, side-lined,

Oh, nothing has changed, except “Mom” has one less hand and everyone else has to do more to pick-up the slack. Friends of DD painted a room; DD started more wrapping, and made dinner. Instead of packing, or even scrapping, I am nursing a sore hand. I have to STOP, my hectic pace and “be.”

May you have the choice today, to stop and “be” for a few minutes today.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Open to the World -- Blogging

This is really strange, first a few geek-techie types do this, now anyone can...

I am a "copycat" I guess. Friends start doing blogs, I have to try as well. It does not appear too difficult, much like typing a comment to someone elses' or to a message board.

My main hobby has been scrapbooking, this has been going on for about 3 years now. Part compulsion, and part obsession. For a very intense 6 months I really was trying to get published, that was my "short term goal," No matter what, I was going to see my work in print. The killer was a contest, and nothing. That was it, nothing, not even a "we like this LO or that page to use elsewhere."

Deflanted, defeated, depressed -- no joy or drive left

Reorient, regroup, and recover, a on-line retail site I frequent (heck, I'm always there on the message boards) several of the winners, and previously published scrapbookers commented and praised what I did.

Okay, maybe magazines don't want me, but my family does. Maybe the editors don't like it, but other people do... So unless it's a "game" of chance, I don't think I will go through that ever again.

Many things in life are like that, you become obcessed and stressed,. Sometimes you have to take a step back and look at "WHY?" And put into perspective...

There was a saying that shows up now and then, about how "dust bunnies" and house cleaning can wait while a mother rocks her child. Yea - that's it.

My (step) daughter once told me, while we were doing chores together, "there is no such thing as "quality time" with a kid, you only get "quality time" when you spend quanity time."

What are you doing here? Reading this stuff, go hug a person in your life, spend a little quanity time.